
genius - the musical stylist for your asana

ever get stuck when you are trying to make a playlist? have an idea of the perfect song for your asana practice, but want to make sure you have enough of the same audio candy for your entire practice?

the solution is simple, or rather - genius.

if you have iTunes (which i think most mac & pc-loving yogis do) - all you need to do is make sure your iTunes has been updated to version 8 and then activate the genius o
ption. then once it is activated, select a song & click on the genius option (for more details click here). genius will work its magic with no help from you! it will select songs from your pre-existing library and poof your perfect playlist is born! genius is like your music stylist - similar to a wardrobe stylist who goes into your closet, switches things up a bit & poof you have a fabulous new wardrobe!

you can also share your fabulous playlists on iTunes with fellow yogis, friends & students by using iTunes iMix - it too is free!

now, it's time to shake your asana :)

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