
be your own life coach

each new year, i like to take a little bit of time to reflect on the past year, but also to set my intentions for the year ahead. while i am energized to set them, after the first few days, actually sticking to them is another story.

here are some ideas that i have found helpful for staying on track:

  1. create an intention calendar - for the tech-savvy, you can set up a separate calendar through google calendar (it's free!) or your outlook, etc. if you enjoy planners, here's a great excuse to get one! set an intention each dayl
  2. send yourself daily reminders - set your intentions & inspirations using dontforgetthemilk.com to get reminders automatically sent to your inbox, or you can set reminders on your google calendar or outlook at different times of the day so that you can keep coming back to your intention,
  3. wake up calls - a new reason to use post-its again. be your own cheerleader & write yourself a note before you go to bed, so you get a little self-boost when you rise & shine.
  4. sharing is caring - create a community intentions calendar to help collective, positive energy motivate you, your friends, family, students, etc!
what are your 2009 intentions?


  1. namaste!

    Wish their was a vegan version of dontforgetthemilk.com how about
    dont forget the soymilk?

    thanks for the great post!



  2. thanks!
    love the idea john!
    now all we have to do is find a savvy, vegan programmer :)
